So I will let You draw me out beyond the shore, into Your grace
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
This beautiful phrase is taken from the song by Bethel Music - You Make Me Brave Lyrics | MetroLyrics
The shore represents our comfort zone, where everything seems to be under our control;
whereas The waves depict uncertainty of life.
However, we are not going anywhere if we were to stay put on the shore, the same way as we are not going anywhere in life if we are always staying on our comfort zone, refusing to try anything new.
Like how the song so beautifully sings, it is in the waves that we experience God's abundant grace. As uncertain as it may seem, remember that if God is with you, nothing can be against you. So wherever God is calling you to right now, take that one step out of your comfort zone and you will see God working in your life like never before. Be brave.
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