So, lately I have been busy working on my new clothing line and I am very happy and excited about it. Honestly when you are busy doing something that you love, you don't really have time to feel down, confused about what exactly are God's plans for your life and at loss of what to do in the future. Thus explains my absence from blogging recently (ugly naked truth huh!)
But of course I am not saying I forget about being constantly in His presence and feeling grateful for all His goodness; which then leads me to this short story that I'm going to share with you all...
As some of you may have known, after all these years, I finally braved myself to embark on a new journey of being in the fashion industry, following what my heart really leans to. So I needed to hire a tailor, I was quite unsure of the fundamental characteristics that I should look for in a tailor, how to really spot a good one among so many skilled tailors in Jakarta. And where to find them.
Last year in October when I first started, I remember praying a prayer, asking God to guide me to a good tailor just like how Abraham's servant asked for guidance to find a good wife for Isaac, in Abraham's homeland. He prayed a specific prayer, with a specific request to help him be sure which woman was God-sent. As for my case, last year I didn't have that specific request yet when I prayed this prayer. Months went by, and finally this mid January I put an advertisement on local newspaper looking for a tailor. One day before the interview/test day, I had this small voice in my heart saying that I want a tailor who calls me by "non" (Indonesian for "miss").
A lot of tailors applied for the job and I interviewed many before finally deciding to hire someone. We had a deal, I asked him to start immediately the next day, and also by then I had rejected a few other potential candidates too. But I guess God had a different person in mind to be my tailor. My newly hired employee texted me on the first day of work saying that he wished to start working the following week instead (wait, what! First day of work and you say this to your employer), and yes I was disappointed even before I start. I went to call an applicant whom I just rejected the night before, but turns out he wasn't that interested in the job offer either. I was scrolling down my list of applicants when a text suddenly came in saying "Good morning, I am on my way for the interview" (in Indonesian of course) I was surprised, being fully sure I didn't have anymore pending interviews that day, but I welcomed him anyway. Eventually I hired him and he's been working for a week now and so far things have been great, skills and attitude wise. And remember how I had a specific request in my heart saying that I want a tailor who calls me by "non"? Yep among so many applicants, he is the only person who calls me that. The rest called me "bu" or "ci" (Indonesian for "maam" or "sis").
Last night I was praying, thanking God for a smooth first week when I was reminded of the Abraham's servant's prayer I once prayed last year. Amazing how God brings things into place. With this, I am all confident that I'm on the right track and I have only good things to expect. So friends, be confident of what you pray for because our God is a prayer-answering God, and He is serious about it.
Be abundantly blessed!
Genesis 24: 12 Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. 13 See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water. 14 May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels too’—let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”
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